Archive for the ‘ Dr. Steven Greer ’ Category

Art Bell Somewhere in Time with Steven Greer


Saturday May 22, 2010
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/15/01, when Dr. Steven Greer talked about the successful National Press Club conference regarding ET Disclosure.

Dr. Steven Greer | ETs-Friend or Enemy? Disclosure & Free Energy


13 May 2010—Steven Greer from the joins Red Ice to discuss the latest comments made by Stephen Hawking on ET—he claims contact might be dangerous to humans. Steven talks about the agenda to portray ET as a threat to humanity, the weaponization of space, black ops programs, black budgets and powerful rouge factions within government and business who are trying to prevent ET disclosure and hence withhold advanced technology and free energy devices. He also talks about disclosure, exotic technology and “fake” alien abductions.